Custom PC Builds
Do you want a machine for a specific task like video editing or intense high FPS gaming? Then I will hand pick the parts to give you the best experience for the budget. I’ll talk through your needs and build you a machine that fits the bill better than any off the shelf machine.
IT Consultancy
I was for many years an IT consultant. I would go over what customers needed and deliver to them a solution that worked. If you feel your business needs some buffing and TLC on the IT side, then by all means contact me to discuss plans to smooth things out. I can also explain the confusing product that is Office365!
Office Upgrades
Has your office grown from the family PC in the kitchen to a collection of mis-matched PCs, laptops and software that doesn’t quite hang together as slick as you would like? Call me in and I’ll check it all over and suggest solutions on what to replace, keep and how to get them all talking to one another more effectively. It’s not as stressful as it sounds, I do all that for you.